Picture Frame Mat Boards Information
The Picture framing Mat Boards that Foamboards Chooses are Acid-Free and recommended by F.A.C.T.S.
We choose Peterboro Mat Boards as a preferred supplier.
Peterboro Cardboards Limited has been a pioneer in Specialty Art and Framing materials since 1902.
They are proud to be one of only a handful of manufacturers world-wide that continues to produce an extensive line of matboard products
Meaningful innovation, cutting edge technology, and one of the highest quality standards in our industry continues to keep Peterboro at the forefront of matboard producers.
For every level of matboard quality, Peterboro has an extensive range of mat boards.
The ranges include 100% cotton Museum board and White Core mat board.
Peterboro provides framers the matboard selection they require to remain competitive in today's market.
Foamboards is happy to use and recommend Peterboro to its clients.
We cut all brands and colours of mat boards available in Australia including Novacore, Alphamat Artcare by Neilsen & Bainbridge along
with Crescent Whitecore Mat board and Crescent Rag Matboards.
If you have a specific bulk mat board cutting request please contact us here.
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