Layout building is perhaps the most exciting, rewarding and challenging aspect of creating a model railway. Making the right design decisions and choosing good construction techniques are vital to ensure success. This book takes you through basic baseboard construction, shelf layout themes and how to link multi-deck designs together, enabling you to make the most of a given space. With different concepts covered, from simple portable layouts to helix construction techniques, Nigel Burkin mixes the best of British layouts with those used routinely overseas and shows you how you too can achieve success and satisfaction in executing your layout design. Topics covered included: Designing for comfort; How to use space efficiently; Practical construction techniques from L-Girder to box frame baseboards; Sub track bed construction, track laying and wiring; Fine tuning the layout for smooth operations.


How to Build and Fly Electric Model Aircraft

The availability of lithium polymer (Li-Poly) batteries has transformed the world of model aircraft. It is now possible for manufacturers to offer electric-powered models that perform similarly to gas-powered models. How to Build and Fly Electric Model Aircraft is a fully-illustrated, all-color guide to unleashing the unlimited potential of silent flight with electric power.


Realistic Model Railroad Design: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Creating a Unique Operating Layout (Model Railroader)

Using photos, illustrations, and a straightforward style, notable Model Railroader magazine author Tony Koester shows you how to make creative, plausible choices for the concept and construction of your next model railroad. Covers key topics like developing an entire model railroad theme, choosing a scale, integrating signature design elements into your track plan, and much more.


Model Railroad Bridges & Trestles (Model Railroader)

Teaches how to build sturdy model bridges and trestles of stunning realism. Includes construction plans, prototype phtographs, and over 20 sets of scale drawings for scratchbuilding, kitbashing, or modifying commercial bridge kits.

Product Features

  • A guide to designing and building bridges for your layout
  • it provides more then 20 scale drawings so you can scratchbuild, kitbash, or modify commerical bridge kits.
  • Will help you acheive the realistic- and dramatic- effect you want.
  • helps you select the right bridge for your layout
  • provides more then 20 scale drawings
