Learn to Fly Electric RC Helicopters

NEW! Now in a second edition, with a new chapter; Expanding Your Helicopter Flying Skills! Learn to Fly Electric RC Helicopters is designed to help beginners have fun and learn to fly their RC helicopters safely.

I’ve been flying and building model aircraft since I was a little kid…and that is a LONG time. But it’s only in the last 9-10 years that it’s become practical to power these aircraft by electric power.

This has happened because of the creation of new, light weight and extremely powerful batteries and motors. Using this new equipment, which has also become very affordable, allows flight times of 15-20 minutes even with intense acrobatics and still having scale realism.

Also the neighbors may appreciate the fact that this power source is far quieter than traditional internal combustion engines.

As this technology has spread to RC Helicopters they have exploded onto the market as ready to fly machines small enough to fit in the palm of your hand (and even smaller) up to large, fast and fully aerobatic helicopters flown by the experts.

So, if you’ve been wondering about this exciting hobby, come and let me share some information about how to get started or to begin further developing your skills.
