Getting Started with RC Aircraft: How to Get the Most Out of a Truly Exciting Hobby!

For those people just starting to learn how to fly RC aircraft, or for those thinking about entering this great hobby, there are often questions that come up that need answers. Questions about what type of aircraft to purchase, how to learn best how to fly your aircraft and how to get the most for your money on your RC equipment. Then there are questions regarding safety, maintenance and countless other things that might make the difference between getting frustrated and being thrilled with your new RC equipment. Hobby stores and online retailers are one source for information but too many of them today recommend by what costs more or makes them the most profit or commission. For the beginner or novice pilot, those are certainly not the best criteria on which to base your decision. Getting Started with RC Aircraft will give you the answers to those questions and a lot more to help you get started with the best choices while spending the least amount of money. Even more important, we will show you how to get the most fun and enjoyment from your RC equipment and how to keep it in top shape as well. If you are new to RC flying, or just considering getting into this awesome hobby, then this is the book for you. It is the perfect introduction to RC flying for people of all ages.
