Offers hobbyists a guide to modeling locomotive service, repair, and storage terminals. Also includes tips and techniques for modeling trackage, structures, and other terminal details appropriate for the steam or diesel era.
This second volume of articles from Model Railroader offers modelers more tips for building bridges and trestles on their layouts. New information and how-tos include modeling a highway underpass, building a viaduct, creating a stone arch bridge, and more. Modelers will learn how to use current kits plus get scratchbuilding tips.
Includes expert instruction for modelers of all skill levels.
Highlights new techniques for building bridges out of concrete.
Provides detailed how-to photos for each project.
[ccw-atrib-link] – Model Railroad Hobbyist’s columnist Bruce Petrarca demonstrates the fun of solo operation on his Garden Railroad and on his indoor HO lay…
[ccw-atrib-link] If you are adding model railroad scenery to your train layout then you will no doubt be including several model railroad buildi…
Respected expert Tony Koester teaches modelers how real railroads operate trains and how to apply those methods to their own model railroads in this extensively updated edition. Learning about timetable-and-train-order operation, as well as how cars are switched, how yards function, how signals work, and more, provides an added dimension of realism and fun for modelers, keeping the hobby fresh and exciting.
Provides step-by-step design techniques and track planning tips to save model railroaders time, money, and headaches. This must-have book also covers aspects of prototype freight and passenger operations, route design, and contemporary railroading.
[ccw-atrib-link] – Model Railroad Hobbyist visits Jim Ferguson’s HO Great Northern Railroad. In a 35 foot byt 21 foot room, Jim’s fully scenicked layout is …
[ccw-atrib-link] to download your free copy of the Model Train Tips and Ideas ebook. Making model railroad scenery is great fun, but there …
Why do we build model railroads? The answer is to capture some piece of the essence of railroading. The design of a model railroad should be relentlessly focused on this goal. The number of trains, the amount of track, the volume of scenery, the quantity of buildings is not the important design metric – the only thing that is important is that you have enough of each to fulfill the goal of re-creating some part of the railroad experience. Above all, a satisfying model railroad design should meet your building or operating desires and conform to your resources of time, space, money, and skills. Inside this book you will discover a fresh perspective on the process of model railroad design. There are seven complete layouts where the philosophy of minimalist model railroading is discussed in great detail along with numerous other design ideas which can be applied to creating your next model railroad.